OTC Resource Center

Skincare Mondays | 1 Year Study Shows Retinol Benefits Do Not Plateau
167461674616746Retinol BenefitsRetinoids are a mainstay of dermatologic therapy. When properly formulated, retinoids available over the counter offer consumers an easily accessible, reasonably priced option.  Retinol has been shown to improve fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, skin roughness, and the appearance of photoaged skin in short term studies. This study looks at the efficacy and safety of continued use of a s …
Retinol Benefits
166071660716607colloidal oatmealOatmeal has been used as a skin care ingredient since 2000 BC in ancient Egypt, where whole oats were used in soothing baths. Colloidal oat has been the subject of dedicated skin care research starting in the 1950s. After > 30 clinical studies comprised of over 3000 patients including conditions associated with a compromised skin barrier, colloidal oat is now recognized as a skin protectant by …
colloidal oatmeal
Skincare Mondays | Colloidal Oatmeal: Composition, Benefits & Mechanism of Action
165951659516595Colloidal OatmealColloidal oatmeal has a long history of use in the treatment of dermatologic disease. Oat is composed of various phytochemicals which contribute to its wide-ranging function and clinical use in atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions resulting from an impaired skin barrier and inflammation. OAT COMPOSITION & BENEFITS The main components of colloidal oatmeal are polysaccharides (including …
Colloidal Oatmeal