
The Science of Sun Protection: A JDD Dermatology Podcast Recap
114901149011490sun protectionA patient in my clinic was recently prescribed 5-fluorouracil for severe photodamage, diffuse actinic keratoses. He is 24 years old and, unfortunately, lacked knowledge about photoprotection.  It was sobering to think about how much longer he has to live and the damage already done. Strides have been made over the years in educating our patients about photoprotection, but recently, patients have …
sun protection
It’s Mnemonic Monday! UVA Chemical Blockers
126731267312673UVA BlockersOn this Mnemonic Monday, we challenge you to remember UVA blockers that are Chemical or Organic compound with the following mnemonic: UVA BEAM Benzophenones (ex: Oxybenzone)   Ecamsule (aka: Mexoryl SX)  Avobenzone (Parsol 1789)  Methyl anthranilate Click HERE to download or print your mnemonic card.   Study More! Need a refresher on sunscreens? Check out page 406 of yo …
UVA Blockers
Controversies in Photoprotection
101511015110151Controversies in PhotoprotectionNext Steps in Derm, in partnership with ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference interviewed Dr. Adam Friedman, Professor, Interim Chair of Dermatology, and Residency Program Director at George Washington University, on some of the common misconceptions and controversies surrounding photoprotection. With ample evidence today that shows that sunscreen both reduces the incidence of me …
Controversies in Photoprotection