patient buzz

Patient Buzz: Using Lasers for Acne Scars | The Expert Weighs In
165701657016570acne scarsCosmopolitan recently posted an article, "Lasers for Acne Scars: How They Work and the Best Treatments to Try Right Now.” What can lasers do now for acne scars, and what developments are on the horizon? For expert advice, I reached out to Dallas dermatologist DiAnne Davis, MD, FAAD, who will be part of a panel discussion on lasers and energy-based devices to treat acne scars at the ODAC D …
acne scars
Combined Dermatology/Rheumatology Clinics | The Experts Weigh In
162881628816288Combined Dermatology/Rheumatology ClinicsEveryday Health recently posted an article about the benefits of combined dermatology and rheumatology clinics in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Does research show a patient care benefit? What are ways dermatology and rheumatology providers can work better together outside of a combined clinic model? For expert advice, I reached out to Brad Glick, DO, MPH, clinical assistant professor …
Combined Dermatology/Rheumatology Clinics
Patient Buzz Series: “Jello Skin” and Other Trends
161031610316103“Jello Skin” is a term that dermatology patients – especially TikTok-using patients – may use in their next office visit. A facialist coined the term when describing glowing, bouncy skin with a lot of collagen similar to Jell-O gelatin. Are you up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in dermatology? Peruse this list of articles in the consumer press and learn about everything fro …
Patient Buzz Series: Summertime Skin Troubles
159361593615936summertime skincareMore daylight and warmer temperatures can lead to skin issues, and this month’s Patient Buzz includes articles about several summertime skin troubles, including heat rash, sun allergy and sunburn blisters. In addition, several articles addressed sunscreen, including the myth that sunscreen causes skin cancer. Be ready for your patients’ summertime skincare questions by reviewing this list o …
summertime skincare
Patient Buzz Series: Slugging for Moisturized Skin
157091570915709sluggingSlugging – a K-beauty trend – is a popular topic in this month’s Patient Buzz since the trend recently went viral on TikTok. While initially slugging locked in moisture in the face, new iterations include slugging elsewhere on the body, such as the hair, elbows, knees, feet and hands. Learn more about slugging and other skincare trends written about in the consumer press so you can be rea …