Patient Care

5 Ways to Make Pediatric Patients Feel Comfortable
699699699pediatric patient1. Use child-friendly language. A blood pressure check could be “giving the arm a hug.” A swab could be a “silly tickle test.” 2. Biopsy ideas: Apply topical lidocaine under occlusion for 15-20 minutes before injection. Use buffered lidocaine (1:10 ratio of sodium bicarbonate to lidocaine). Suggestions for distraction: infants, use sweet-ease® sugar syrup on a pacifier; for o …
pediatric patient
Tips for Improving Efficiency at Your Practice
697697697improving efficiencyPart 2 of 2 Improving the efficiency at your practice will not only make the day flow more smoothly. But will also help to avoid any problems that could arise. This article continues the discussion on ways to promote consistency in the daily operations of your practice. Staff meetings should also take place periodically. This provides a structured forum to refine day-to-day operations. As well …
improving efficiency
4 Tips for Approaching Patients with Psoriasis
695695695psoriasisThis article offers pearls that are often overlooked, but can make a big impact in the quality of care we provide to our patients with psoriasis. If all four are too difficult to include in your next clinic visit, focus on just one or two that you can you incorporate into your regular care of patients with psoriasis. 1. Psoriatic Arthritis We all know that 30% of psoriasis patients develop psori …
10 Steps to a Pleasant Interaction with Your Pediatric Dermatology Patient
689689689pediatric dermatologyThe field of pediatric dermatology is wonderfully rewarding; however children do funny things when they are anxious, scared or sense strangers. The following are 10 tips I suggest to reduce the stress of a pediatric visit for your patients and yourself. Some of these I learned myself, some from mentors. 1. Address the child by their first name Make sure you know how to pronounce the name before …
pediatric dermatology
Use Simple Electronic Tools to Improve Communication with Your Patients
665665665electronic communicationsOne of the most challenging aspects of practicing medicine is ensuring consistently effective communication with patients. This is particularly true in dermatology, where patient volume is relatively high compared to other fields. Many problems and pitfalls commonly encountered in practice are avoidable. If you and your staff take advantage of relatively novel yet simple methods of transmitting i …
electronic communications