
Easing the Management of Atopic Dermatitis
122751227512275Atopic DermatitisDr. Friedman, jack of many trades, Professor and Interim Chair of Dermatology at George Washington University provided an excellent overview of ways to achieve victory over atopic dermatitis (AD). This expert discussion took place during the ODAC Inflammatory Diseases Symposium on December 3, 2020. How could we possibly cover atopic dermatitis in 20 minutes? Well, Dr. Friedman skillfully led us …
Atopic Dermatitis
Cosmeceuticals: 10 Practical Pearls
960696069606CosmeceuticalsAs someone who was born in that gray area between the sunset of Generation X, and the dawn of Millennials, I can recall a time when the word “influencer” was not part of our every day woke vernacular. But today, influencers are everywhere—on Instagram, YouTube, SnapChat, and elsewhere—sharing personal narratives of their favorite life-changing products, diets, workouts, and hoping that peo …