Physician Advice

Real Advice from Joel Schlessinger MD, FAAD, FAACS Part 2
642642642leader researchHow can new dermatologists get involved in clinical research? Becoming involved in clinical research is both exciting and potentially concerning as it all depends on the support team you will have and the set up (both physical and administrative) of your site.  The benefits can be good in both financially and intellectually, but the risks are also significant. When starting a clinical researc …
leader research
Get Closer to Your Patient With Touch
707707707patient touch BENJAMIN BARANKIN, MD, FRCPC, FAAD discusses the importance and impact of appropriate patient touch. What We're Taught Our teachers warn us not to touch the patient throughout medical school, residency, and clinical practice. Medical societies regularly remind us of the importance of not touching our patients. That is, at least inappropriately. "While telling the patient it was not con …
patient touch
Tips on Investing in Your Professional Social Media Accounts
640640640Derm Instagram I want to challenge you to spend time in building up social media for your career. I’m not talking about your personal Snapchat; in fact, I think you should keep personal social media accounts separate from your public professional ones. I am advocating instead for you to invest in your professional social media accounts, a page that says to the world what kind of doctor you are and why peop …
Derm Instagram
Real Advice on Growth from Joel Schlessinger MD, FAAD, FAACS Part 1
554554554growthWhat has been the greatest difficulty you've come across in starting and maintaining your own dermatology practice and in the business of skin care? What about practice growth? The greatest difficulty remains the ongoing challenge to find team members who share the same vision. It is so difficult to determine who will come on and be a productive and integrated team member. While every job inte …
Doris Day, MD on Becoming a Thought Leader Part 1: My Path
553553553leader researchThe first time someone called me a thought leader I did a double take. I knew there were thought leaders out there, a host of doctors I respected and looked to for guidance and support. I knew that when they spoke I could count on their words, they loved to teach, were generous with their time, and they participated in academic activities like speaking at meetings, publishing papers and serving …
leader research