Post Residency

Preparing for Life After Residency
629629629changeThe time to start thinking about life after residency begins on your first day! First Year of Residency Though you are super busy keeping up with the material, you should start planning ahead during your first year of residency. Ask yourself where you want to be in five, 10, and 30 years? Regardless of your path, there will be challenges! If you prefer to tackle challenges alone, then starting a …
Roadmap for Residents: What to Ask Before Signing an Academia Contract
185318531853Contracts for Dermatology Academia As your virtual mentor, Next Steps in Derm is committed to supporting your jump from residency to the world of practicing dermatologists. If you're a graduating resident thinking about going into academia, you need support in feeling prepared to negotiate your first contract. Questions are key. Read part one of this two part series by Dr. Kirkorian of George Washington University and be …
Contracts for Dermatology Academia
Spotlight On: Ali Alikhan, MD
545545545Ali AlikhanWhat made you decide on a career in dermatology? Extremely positive experiences throughout medical school - amazing mentorship, excellent patients and fantastic research opportunities. Each new experience built upon previous positive experiences, and the day came when I realized I would not be happy doing anything else. What is a typical day like for you? In academic practice, every day i …
Ali Alikhan