Real Advice

Developing Constructive Relationships with Industry
606606606relationship with industryUnfortunately for many residency graduates, many of the decisions regarding interactions with pharmaceutical and medical device sales forces have been put into policies. These are often parallel to the strictest of parents attempting to shelter their children from what is socially perceived as “evil” or “influential” which in many instances has led to the development of very poor relations …
relationship with industry
Real Advice for Dermatology Career Progression
596596596TransitionHere is the best advice we could find to help make the transition from residency to the real world of dermatology a little easier. The dermatology practice has grown more complex since I graduated residency and began practice in 1984.  But it has also become more dynamic. We all have learned to grow and evolve with the changes. However, it could have been a little easier if I had known a few …
Advice for Graduating Derms – Introductions and Hand Shakes
639639639Ted Rosen MD DermAn Introduction and a Handshake My number one piece of advice for graduating dermatologists is connect with your patients. Connect well. Learn about them, learn a little bit about their personal life, their family and that really helps cement your therapeutic connection. The other thing is, sit down! When you go in a room, sit down and listen to your patient. The other thing I like to do, which …
Ted Rosen MD Derm
Spotlight On: Tina S. Alster, M.D.
541541541Tina Alster MD DermWhat is the mission of your company? At the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery, our mission is to be top innovators and leaders in the field of cosmetic laser surgery. We are dedicated to delivering effective, results-oriented, minimally invasive treatments with the highest quality of customer service. It is our passion to help people realize their full potential through a posit …
Tina Alster MD Derm
Spotlight On: Leslie Baumann, MD, FAAD
5365365361. How did you know you chose the right specialty in dermatology? I have always been a fan of skincare and science; therefore dermatology was a natural choice for me. When I was a young girl I would read all of the biographies about Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rubenstein, Estee Lauder, Charles Revson, Mary Kay and all of the other great skincare entrepreneurs. Biology and chemistry were my favorite …