Recalcitrant Verruca Vulgaris

Intralesional Bleomycin Combined With Cryotherapy in the Treatment of Recalcitrant Verruca Vulgaris
155601556015560BleomycinVerruca vulgaris is a common cutaneous manifestation of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection that presents as hyperkeratotic, cauliflower-like papules with central black petechiae. These lesions may be resistant to conventional therapies, posing a therapeutic challenge and prolong significant morbidity for the patient. This case report demonstrates an immediate and robust response of recalcitrant …
JDD Issue Highlights | February 2022
148041480414804psoriasisThe February 2022 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) includes the perfect blend of original articles, case reports, and editorials. With topics ranging from psoriasis and actinic keratoses to artificial intelligence in dermatology and disparities in telemedicine satisfaction, we share this month’s issue highlights straight from the JDD Editor’s desk: Early Response is Associ …