rosacea flushing

Placement of High Dose Neurotoxins for Treatment-Resistant Rosacea
180071800718007rosaceaRosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by facial flushing, erythema, telangiectasias, and papulopustular lesions. Treatment for rosacea includes limiting inciting factors and reducing inflammation with topical and oral therapies. Traditional therapies primarily focus on the papulopustular or background erythematotelangiectatic component of rosacea, leaving symptoms of flush …
Rosacea in Diverse Skin Tones | Recognition, Diagnosis, and Treatment
166541665416654We have probably all seen a patient with rosacea. After all, it is quite common in middle-aged, fair-skinned women. Here, however, we will explore a talk given by Dr. Hilary Baldwin (Medical director of the Acne Treatment & Research Center in Morristown, NJ and Brooklyn, NY, and Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center) at the 2022 Skin of Color …
The Many Faces of Rosacea | Part 2
158481584815848rosaceaOur new series, "The Many Faces of", will showcase side-by-side images of some of the most commonly seen dermatology conditions in an array of skin tones and briefly highlight nuances in clinical presentation.  All images featured in the series are part of The Full Spectrum of Dermatology: A Diverse and Inclusive Atlas, a resource developed by co-editors Misty Eleryan, MD, MS, and Adam Friedman, …