Running a Practice

Tips for Improving Efficiency at Your Practice
696696696efficiencyPart 1 of 2 Improving the efficiency at your practice will not only make the day flow more smoothly, but will also help to avoid any problems that could arise. One of the best ways to increase efficiency for dermatologists new or already established in practice is to strive for consistency in daily operations. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is to implement a written employee manual. …
The Most Important Things to Consider When Starting a Dermatology Practice
611611611Start upSetting up a new dermatology practice is a challenge, regardless of where you are in your career, whether it be straight out of residency or several years later. My goal is to offer you several tips to help you understand the various activities involved and the most critical steps in the process as well the costs. Setting up your own practice involves many steps and decisions, but it’s best to g …
Start up
Natural Ingredients and How to Use Them in Practice – Part 2
220022002200Natural Ingredients2CO-AUTHOR: LIZA R. BRAUN, BA Welcome back to our continued discussion on the natural, botanical ingredients that are formulated into skin care products that you can easily incorporate into your practice. And, in case you missed Part 1, you can read it here. Mushroom Extract Mushroom extract, in particular shitake and reishi, retain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These pr …
Natural Ingredients2
Natural Ingredients and How to Use Them in Practice – Part 1
655655655Natural IngredientsCO-AUTHOR: LIZA R. BRAUN, BA Botanical ingredients found in nature are often formulated into skin care products intended to address fine lines, wrinkles, uneven tone, and texture. These ingredients possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and photoprotective properties that make them potential alternatives or adjunctive options to prescription medications. Bygone are days of applying makeup to …
Natural Ingredients
Words of Advice on Hiring and Firing
207020702070Staffing advice hiringIf you’ve started a practice, or thought about doing so, you may have developed a checklist: office space, equipment, technology, insurance providers, product lines. And then comes the momentous task of staffing your office. Hiring and firing are two integral parts of both starting and running a practice. It can be extremely challenging to find the right people who will work well for the office …
Staffing advice hiring