Running a Practice

Tips for Improving Efficiency at Your Practice
697697697improving efficiencyPart 2 of 2 Improving the efficiency at your practice will not only make the day flow more smoothly. But will also help to avoid any problems that could arise. This article continues the discussion on ways to promote consistency in the daily operations of your practice. Staff meetings should also take place periodically. This provides a structured forum to refine day-to-day operations. As well …
improving efficiency
I Wish I Had Known: 4 Tips for Utilizing Technology in Your Derm Practice
7657657651. Focus on technologies that have a high likelihood of success in common conditions. 2. Have one room where you focus on many devices in the same space so that you can deliver the full buffet of services without moving the patient. 3. Steer people away from procedures that offer little benefit, even if they've read about them in magazines. 4. It’s a bad idea to buy technologies that ar …
Top 5 Tips for Successful Interactions with Your Office Staff
684684684Derm StaffRunning your dermatology office smoothly and efficiently is no easy task. Check out these insightful tips for interacting with your office staff. 1. Staff Meetings Set aside designated times for staff meetings. Communication is essential to make this happen. Scheduled team meetings give a platform for your employees and promotes communication so that items are not discussed haphazardly through …
Derm Staff