scalp itching

Patient Buzz Series: Skincare Ingredients from Your Pantry
146001460014600skincare ingredientsThis month’s Patient Buzz includes articles about the latest trendy ingredients in skincare products, and some of them come from the pantry. Does science support claims that turmeric can improve sun-damaged skin and conditions such as acne, eczema or psoriasis? Can licorice root extract serve as a gentler way to lighten the skin? Be prepared for your patients’ questions by perusing this lis …
skincare ingredients
Treatment Strategies for Hair and Scalp Disorders: Biotin & Beyond
815381538153Hair loss and scalp disordersA full head of hair. This is how I came away from Dr. Heather Woolery-Lloyd’s lecture on hair and scalp disorders at the 2019 Skin of Color Update. There were many aspects of her talk that challenged me to rethink how I approach the management of hair loss in my patients. In this post we will cover biotin’s role in treating alopecia, and important considerations in the treatment of central cen …
Hair loss and scalp disorders