skin cancer

Rapidly Enlarging Malignant Proliferating Trichilemmal Tumor
122501225012250Trichilemmal Tumor Malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumors are rare adnexal neoplasms that most commonly occur on the scalp in elderly women. These tumors are associated with recurrence and even nodal or distant metastatic spread. Here, JDD authors describe a 38-year-old patient who presented with a scalp nodule that was diagnosed as a high-grade malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumor. Introduction Th …
Trichilemmal Tumor
New in Dermatology from The Outside World: From Grey Hair to Melanoma Vaccine Therapies
117871178711787grey hair melanoma vaccineThis is the first edition of a quarterly column highlighting articles of interest to dermatologists from non-dermatologic literature. It is already difficult to keep up to date with the high volume and forever expanding literature in dermatologic journals. Additionally, it is virtually impossible to read the full breadth of biomedical literature for materials relevant to the field of dermatology. …
grey hair melanoma vaccine
Ocular Dermoid in Patient With Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome
106511065110651ocular dermoidCASE A 47-year-old woman presented for Mohs Micrographic Surgery for a biopsy-proven basal cell carcinoma involving the right nasal ala. The patient had a history of basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS) and previous history of multiple basal cell carcinomas. On initial examination, the patient was noted to have a few scattered pearly molluscoid papules on the head and neck, which were suspicio …
ocular dermoid
Patient Buzz Series: Dermatology Post-Quarantine
102801028010280SKIN POST-QUARANTINEEPI Health has graciously supported the COVID-19 News and Resource Center. As states begin easing restrictions, this month’s Patient Buzz includes several articles on how to care for the skin post-quarantine. Are mask-off injectable treatments safe for patients and providers? What skin, hair and nail concerns need an in-person visit, and what can be addressed virtually? How will COVID-19 for …