skin resurfacing

Selecting the Best Devices When Starting Out
124211242112421devicesI believe one of the most valuable aspects of attending conferences such as ODAC is to “fill in the gaps” in important topics that are often missing in our regular dermatology training. While US dermatology residency programs provide the foundation for providing the highest level of dermatologic care to our patients, they are often lacking in teaching the business side of medicine and practica …
A Primer on Chemical Peels – Part II
482548254825Chemical PeelsIn Part II of our primer, we’ll focus on technique and aftercare.  In case you missed it, view Part I of the series where we covered the basics of chemical peels. Anesthesia Choice of anesthetic will likely depend on the depth of the peel and patient preference.  Superficial peels will likely cause only minor burning and stinging and usually require no anesthetic.  Topical anesthetics can …
Chemical Peels
A Primer on Chemical Peels – Part I
470647064706Chemical PeelsChemical peeling is one of the oldest resurfacing procedures used in dermatology, and it is still the most popular.  Why the staying power?  For reasons such as, ease of use, versatility, and low cost have helped maintain chemical peels as a cornerstone of the aesthetic repertoire.  In this two-part primer, I’ll review the basics of chemical peels including agents used, techniques and potenti …
Chemical Peels