
Words of Advice on Hiring and Firing
207020702070Staffing advice hiringIf you’ve started a practice, or thought about doing so, you may have developed a checklist: office space, equipment, technology, insurance providers, product lines. And then comes the momentous task of staffing your office. Hiring and firing are two integral parts of both starting and running a practice. It can be extremely challenging to find the right people who will work well for the office …
Staffing advice hiring
Tips for Hiring Staff When Starting a Practice
691691691staff hiringPart 1 of 2 in a series If you are starting a practice from scratch, whether or not you have been in another practice initially, one of the most daunting tasks can be to hire staff. After all, there are so many applications and the individuals generally seem great during the interview process! How does one make the final cut or even start the process? Finding Candidates While it is always possi …
staff hiring
I Wish I Had Known: Staff-Related Issues
675675675staff issuesWhen I first started my practice I had no idea how diplomatic I would have to be when working with staff issues. Initially, I made many mistakes that translated to ruffled feathers. And a few staff members who left earlier than they should have. While I can’t say that I always say or do the right things when staff-related issues occur, I have a much better working relationship with all my st …
staff issues
647647647In order to hire the right person responsible for the daily ins-and-outs of your practice, first start with your vision or mission statement of what you want your office to become. Then start compiling a list of your needs and expectations of what you will need to make this vision become reality. What will your office manager have to do in order to develop, run, and grow your practice? Your off …