Starting Out

Preparing for Life After Residency
629629629changeThe time to start thinking about life after residency begins on your first day! First Year of Residency Though you are super busy keeping up with the material, you should start planning ahead during your first year of residency. Ask yourself where you want to be in five, 10, and 30 years? Regardless of your path, there will be challenges! If you prefer to tackle challenges alone, then starting a …
Two Things to Consider Before Joining a Practice
705705705daniel zaghi mdAs someone who joined an established dermatology group, I am thankful for the advice I received prior to making the decision to do so. Whether you are joining an academic department, a large hospital group, or a private multi-provider group, there are a number of factors to consider. Here are two absolutely critical considerations: Colleagues Ask yourself if you want to work with these peopl …
daniel zaghi md
Spotlight On: Ali Alikhan, MD
545545545Ali AlikhanWhat made you decide on a career in dermatology? Extremely positive experiences throughout medical school - amazing mentorship, excellent patients and fantastic research opportunities. Each new experience built upon previous positive experiences, and the day came when I realized I would not be happy doing anything else. What is a typical day like for you? In academic practice, every day i …
Ali Alikhan
Spotlight On: Beth McLellan, MD
628628628McLellan1. Why did you choose a career in dermatology? My stepfather worked for a pharmaceutical company that made dermatologic products. I went to my first AAD when I was in middle school, so that definitely planted the seed. During medical school, I loved how dermatologists got to be detectives and figure out complex cases that other specialties were stumped on. During my internship, I fell in love w …
Advice on Breaking Into Private Practice
670670670Adapted from Q&A session at Winter AAD 2014 Question: If you are going to go into private practice, which as we know it’s a tough industry to break into now, what would be your advice at the current stage--knowing what we know concerning reimbursements cuts and all that? Answer Dr. Sarnoff: First, scout the location where you will set up. If possible, go to an area where it’s not so …