Tales From the Office

Tales From the Office: Florida Fishing Tackle
123612361236florida FishingWhile just starting practice, I was very excited when I was called to the nursing homes to see patients. Here in Florida I often had many patients to see and had to be prepared. I drove to one of my homes. Slowly curving around a small lake populated by ducks and a pair of shiny white swans. I always enjoyed a chance to catch even a part of nature after being inside most of the day. I enjoyed fis …
florida Fishing
Gas and a Rash – Tales from the Office
711711711rashThe patient presented for a rash "down there". She was in her 60's and I asked her to lie on her back to examine her front side. After careful examination, I asked her to flip over on the table to exam the back side of her. I had to pull apart her buttocks to get a better look at her anal mucosa as her chief complaint was pruritis. As I approached her rear end the patient let out some gas. Some …
Periungal Wart and a Colorectal Surgeon: Tales From the Office
710710710wart removalI had a patient who was a 34 y/o male and presented with a periungual wart on his left index finger. We tried many different modalities to destroy the wart but were unsuccessful. At the time a med school classmate who was a colo-rectal surgeon had started treating warts with a CO2 laser. I asked my pt to go see the colo-rectal surgeon for a consult to see if laser would help. He went for the appo …
wart removal
Optimizing Patient Interaction
704704704phraseology Part 1 of 2 phra·se·ol·o·gy [frāzēˈäləjē] (noun): a mode of expression, especially one characteristic of a particular speaker or writer. Now that I have been an attending dermatologist for more than five years, I have had the opportunity to reflect upon what I wish I would have known as a resident and as a new attending physician. In my attempt to provide unique new insight …