Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis with Chinese Herbal Medicine
128861288612886Chinese Herbal Medicine Approach to Atopic DermatitisWe are constantly learning in dermatology.  With advents of new techniques, sometimes traditional methods can be forgotten or lost.  Chinese Herbal Medicine dates back thousands of years.  Just as we shouldn’t retire chemical peels in favor of a “laser-only” approach, maybe we shouldn’t give up on other traditional methods. During the 2020 Integrative Dermatology Symposium, Dr. Trevo …
Chinese Herbal Medicine Approach to Atopic Dermatitis
Botanical Medicine in Dermatology: Safety, Availability, and Evidence
121241212412124botanical medicine in dermatologyThe history of botanical medicine dates back to hundreds of thousands of years ago. The many beneficial properties of plants have recently been incorporated into pharmaceuticals. Reviewing the pathophysiology of certain skin diseases such as acne, we can understand how herbal medicine may be a beneficial adjunctive treatment. Specifically, pomegranate juice has the potential to attenuate oxidative …
botanical medicine in dermatology
Integrating the Dermatology Profession to Maximize Patient Options and Care
118501185011850traditional Chinese medicineTo kick off the recent 2020 Integrative Dermatology Symposium, Drs. Peter Lio and Olivia Hsu Friedman, with the assistance of Ms. Kelly Barta, provided a fast-paced and comprehensive primer on how integrating conventional Western medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other Eastern approaches can serve to maximize outcomes for patients. Read on for some important takeaways to integra …
traditional Chinese medicine