teen acne

Skin Conditions in Pediatric & Adolescent Patients with Skin of Color
144331443314433Pediatric Skin ConditionsSprinkled with many clinical pearls, Dr. Candrice Heath gave us an informative, case-based lecture at the 2021 Skin of Color Update: “Skin Conditions Disproportionately Affecting Pediatric & Adolescent Patients with Skin of Color.” Dr. Heath is an Assistant Professor and Director of Pediatric Dermatology at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University and is active on social media @D …
Pediatric Skin Conditions
Patient Buzz: Teen Skin Care
112051120511205Teen skin careSeventeen recently wrote an article sharing skin care advice dermatologists give their own teens. For expert advice on how to counsel teens in caring for their skin, I consulted dermatologist Candrice Heath, MD, assistant professor at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. Dr. Heath is board-certified in dermatology, pediatrics, and pediatric dermatology. What are the most impo …
Teen skin care