testosterone therapy

Body Hair and Identity in Transgender Men: A Cross-Sectional Survey
147471474714747body hair in transgender men Transgender and gender diverse people can experience increased depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and suicide from gender dysphoria (GD).1 GD occurs due to a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity, assigned gender, and physical characteristics.2 Gender affirming medical care, including dermatologic care, can increase body-gender congruence and decrease negative outcomes associ …
body hair in transgender men
Managing Acne in the LGBTQ+ Population
115961159611596Acne in the LGBTQ+ PopulationOne of the most vulnerable populations among both teenagers and adults today is the LGBTQ community. An estimate of the LGBTQ population is difficult to solidify, but based on survey data it is estimated that sexual and gender minority individuals collectively represent four percent of the general population. The LGBTQ community is more likely to experience both dysphoria and discrimination, and t …
Acne in the LGBTQ+ Population