Thought Leader Advice

Finding a Mentor
638638638Derm MentorPart 2 of 2 This is the second article in the two-part series about the five cardinal rules of finding a mentor. In part one, I discussed rules one and two: be honest and fearless. Read on to learn points three, four, and five which cover the importance of being open-minded, putting in the effort, and embracing the ‘now.’ 1. Be open-minded. Sure, you may have made a “future spouse …
Derm Mentor
How to Spot and Avoid Dealing with Difficult Cosmetic Patients
702702702difficult cosmetic patient Many dermatologists enjoy seeing and treating cosmetic patients. There is the creative artistic aspect to treating these patients, as well as the fairly immediate improvement, minimal downtime and risk, and overall mostly happy patients who pay good money to look their best. However, a cosmetic patient who is not pleased with you or the results they achieved can give you gray hair, or worse, l …
difficult cosmetic patient
Post-Residency Fellowships in Dermatology: An Increasing Demand
703703703Heidi Prather DermAs a resident in dermatology, one has made it through many critical achievements from MCAT scores to the STEP series, completing medical school to striving for that AOA class rank and finally matching into your next three years as a dermatology resident-in-training. Dermatology is a diverse field that requires an understanding of many subspecialties within its own training program. While the Ameri …
Heidi Prather Derm
Why I Joined an Existing Dermatology Practice
636636636Sabrina FabiWhy I Joined a Practice Whether you join an existing practice or go solo, the decision is a personal one. Each has its pros and cons depending on: the person who has to make the decision; the options one has of practices to join based on geographical location; whether the practice is academic, private or multi-specialty; and the personalities unique to that individual practice.   When so …
Sabrina Fabi
Spotlight On: Kalyani Marathe, MD, MPH, FAAD
547547547maratheHow did you know you chose the right specialty in dermatology? I was lucky enough to do my residency training at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, VA, where we had a full-time pediatric dermatologist on staff (Dr. Judith Williams). Her clinical expertise and ability to put parents at ease in the face of complex problems made me realize how intellectually challenging pediatric dermatol …