tinea capitis

Navigating the Complexities of Alopecia: Insights from Dr. Adam Friedman
215572155721557alopeciasDr. Adam Friedman's lecture at 2024 ODAC conference provided invaluable insights into the nuanced approach required when dealing with patients presenting with alopecia. Addressing the diverse array of alopecia types and their myriad presentations, Dr. Friedman emphasized the significance of a comprehensive clinical history and evaluation to formulate an effective treatment plan. By employing a cas …
Fluconazole Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
203852038520385fluconazoleFluconazole is a synthetic triazole with a broader antifungal spectrum than the imidazole class. Resistance to first-pass metabolism and consistent oral absorption are advantages over agents like ketoconazole in the antifungal armamentarium, particularly in the context of the United States Food and Drug Administration’s reinforced warning against oral ketoconazole for skin and nail infections, d …
Patient Buzz: Rare Pediatric Skin Conditions | The Expert Weighs In
181911819118191pediatric skin conditionsParade and other media outlets recently covered the story of actress Mandy Moore's son, who was diagnosed with Gianotti-Crosti syndrome. What should dermatology clinicians know about Gianotti-Crosti syndrome and other rare pediatric skin conditions? What should dermatology clinicians do when they are unsure of how to diagnose a pediatric skin condition?  For expert advice, I reached out to …
pediatric skin conditions
Paging Pediatric Dermatology to the Emergency Room!
176571765717657Pediatric Dermatology EmergenciesPediatric dermatologic emergencies are very real, highlights Dr. Kalyani Marathe, Associate Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati, who lectured during ODAC 2023. Pediatric dermatologic emergencies represent almost 4% of emergency room visits, and of those, most are related to chronic skin disease, drug eruptions, and infections. Here, we will review some of those …
Pediatric Dermatology Emergencies
Hair Loss in Pediatric Patients with Skin of Color
144181441814418Pediatric Hair LossHair is part of our identity and hair loss is therefore particularly distressing to patients. With so many potential causes of hair loss, our expertise as dermatologists is desperately needed, especially among pediatric patients where hair loss can be even more concerning to patients and their parents. To help us examine, diagnose, and counsel pediatric patients with hair loss, we were lucky to ha …
Pediatric Hair Loss