topical imiquimod

JDD March 2021 Issue Highlights: From OTC Products for Acne to MMS for Genital Skin Cancer
125191251912519JDD MARCH 2021 ISSUEThe March issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology features an outstanding line-up of articles with topics ranging from OTC products for acne to Mohs Micrographic Surgery for genital skin cancer. Straight from the JDD Editor’s desk, we share this month’s issue highlights: Advisors agreed that OTC products and skincare recommendations, in addition to the use of prescription medications, …
Does This Skin Cancer Really Need Mohs?
100971009710097Have you ever come across a patient with a skin cancer that you are not 100% sure should be treated with Mohs surgery or an alternative modality? Or a patient who comes back for a follow-up after skin cancer surgery with an undesirable scar and you wonder if you should have opted for a less invasive option? I certainly have. Some of these nagging questions were answered by a thoughtful, case-based …
Basal Cell Carcinoma – Friday Pop Quiz 1/25
575457545754 The patient had an extensive superficial basal cell carcinoma on the forehead treated with topical imiquimod and returned 4-weeks later with this reaction. Which cytokine is not activated by this medication? A. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α B. Interferon (IFN)-α C. Interferon (IFN)-γ D. Interleukin (IL)-12 E. Interleukin (IL)-4 To find out the correct answer and read the explanation …