topical steroids

Integrating the Dermatology Profession to Maximize Patient Options and Care
118501185011850traditional Chinese medicineTo kick off the recent 2020 Integrative Dermatology Symposium, Drs. Peter Lio and Olivia Hsu Friedman, with the assistance of Ms. Kelly Barta, provided a fast-paced and comprehensive primer on how integrating conventional Western medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other Eastern approaches can serve to maximize outcomes for patients. Read on for some important takeaways to integra …
traditional Chinese medicine
Sneaky Cases of Allergic Contact Dermatitis
104071040710407allergic contact dermatitisWe all think about allergic contact dermatitis when a patient presents with a classic well-demarcated distribution of eczematous, pruritic rash. But under what other clinical scenarios should we consider the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis? At the 17th Annual ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, Dr. Jonathan Zippin discussed three different clinical conundrums that should …
allergic contact dermatitis
Patient Buzz: Are COVID Toes a True Symptom of COVID-19?
101751017510175COVID ToesEPI Health has graciously supported the COVID-19 News and Resource Center. USA TODAY and countless other media outlets have recently covered a dermatological phenomenon called COVID toes. Are COVID toes a true skin manifestation of COVID-19? For an expert opinion, I consulted dermatologist Amy McMichael, MD, professor and chair of the department of dermatology, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Ce …
An Interview with Dr. Jeave Reserva on Outpatient Management of Stasis Dermatitis
802380238023Stasis DermatitisAs dermatologists, we know that not every warm, red, swollen leg represents cellulitis. Chronic venous insufficiency causing stasis dermatitis can present very similarly. While dermatologists are likely able to (in most cases) distinguish between the two conditions, the same cannot always be said of providers outside of our specialty from whom our patients may also be seeking care. Dr. Jeave Reser …
Stasis Dermatitis
August JDD Podcast: Go Superpotent or Go Home
305730573057superpotentGo superpotent or go home.  The utility and safety of Class 1 topical steroids. Dr. Tina Bhutani and Dr. Adam Friedman In this edition of the JDD Podcast, Ask the Investigator, host Dr. Adam Friedman digs deep with UCSF Assistant Professor of Dermatology Dr. Tina Bhutani to powerlift the most up to date safety data on Class 1 superpotent topical steroids from her study entitled "Update on the …