Urticaria multiforme

Patient Buzz: Rare Pediatric Skin Conditions | The Expert Weighs In
181911819118191pediatric skin conditionsParade and other media outlets recently covered the story of actress Mandy Moore's son, who was diagnosed with Gianotti-Crosti syndrome. What should dermatology clinicians know about Gianotti-Crosti syndrome and other rare pediatric skin conditions? What should dermatology clinicians do when they are unsure of how to diagnose a pediatric skin condition?  For expert advice, I reached out to …
pediatric skin conditions
Pruritic Rash – Friday Pop Quiz 6/4
132591325913259pruritic rash This healthy 2-year-old female presents with a 2-day history of the pruritic rash seen here. She had mild edema of the dorsal hands and feet and positive dermatographism on exam. All lesions were transient, lasting less than 24 hours in the same location. She was otherwise well and her parents denied any fever or systemic symptoms. What is the best diagnosis? A. Serum sickness-like reaction …
pruritic rash