UV rays

Skincare Mondays | Your #1 New Year’s Resolution: Wear Sunscreen Daily
171901719017190The best New Year's resolutions are the ones you can actually keep. Studies show that nearly half of Americans never use sunscreen and those that do, only apply 25-50% of the recommended amount.1-4 Start the New Year right with one of the easiest things you can do to prevent skin cancer—wear sunscreen daily, even when it's cloudy! Top 10 Sunscreen New Year’s Resolutions:5-10 1. Limit time …
Suncare Sunday: Sunburn Facts
132411324113241sunburnOn this Suncare Sunday: Sunburn Facts, we share newly published data from the CDC showing sunburn incidence in adults and teens, sun exposure behaviors and sun protection basics: Sunburn incidence in adults remains high: 34% of adults report experiencing at least 1 sunburn each year1 Half were outside for more than 1 hour between 10 and 4 pm2 Only 5% reported they were tryin …