Derm In-Review

Vesicular Eruption – Friday Pop Quiz – 11/2/2018
487048704870vesicular eruptionYou are called to evaluate a patient with a new onset vesicular eruption that developed 7 days after starting intravenous vancomycin. At what level of the dermoepidermal  junction is the target antigen found?               A). Lamina lucida B.) Lamina densa C.) Sublamina densa D.) Basal keratinocyte E.) Lamina reticularis &n …
vesicular eruption
Purulent Nodules – Friday Pop Quiz – 10/19
474747474747Purulent NodulesIt's time again for the Derm In-Review Pop Quiz Friday!  Can you get the answer right? A patient with AIDS developed purulent nodules and draining sinuses of the neck. Gram stain of pustular contents supports the diagnosis of which infectious organism? A. Actinomyces israelii B. Staphylococcal aureus C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa D. Mucor spp. E. Blastomyces dermatitidis To find out th …
Purulent Nodules
Exam of the Future Changes! Important Announcement!
474147414741exam of the future The American Board of Dermatology’s Exam of the Future timeline has changed! Due to recent problems with certifying exam scoring, the American Board of Dermatology is delaying the implementation of the new modular CORE Exam until 2020. As a result of this change, the APPLIED exam will move to 2021. While the ABD works diligently on finding the correct partner to ensure results issu …
exam of the future