Derm Topics

ODAC Pearls: Getting the Most out of Your Biopsies
343334333433biopsyGetting the Most out of Your Biopsies - presented by Dr. Tammie Ferringer Pearls Submitted by Misty Eleryan Biopsies are a very important part of our practice as dermatologists. In order to get the most out of your biopsies for an accurate diagnosis, you must avoid some of the pitfalls that can result in delay of diagnoses or incorrect diagnoses. So, here are some things to consider. 1.) Wh …
ODAC Pearls: Top 10 Commandments with Dr. Perry Robins
34203420342010 commandmentsDr. Robins’ Ten Commandments presented by Dr. Perry Robins, ODAC Miami 2018 Pearls submitted by Dr. Misty Eleryan Every physician doing dermatologic surgery should follow these Ten Commandments that Dr. Robins developed in his tenure as a dermatologic surgeon, and has imparted upon his numerous trainees. 1.) Take a thorough history It’s important to know a patient’s medical history …
10 commandments
Top Ten Things to Do at ODAC Miami 2018
340534053405Top 1010.) Download the app for maps, schedule, and to sign up for your complimentary JDD!  Bring your own smartphone, tablet or device to General Session to view/save PPT slides, take notes, participate in Q&A, take surveys, and more. To download the ODAC 2018 onsite app:  -  Navigate to your device’s preferred app store (Apple App Store or Google Play Store). -   Search for “ODAC 2 …
Top 10
January JDD Highlights
339033903390A Multi-Center, Open-Label, Prospective Study of Cannula Injection of Small-Particle Hyaluronic Acid Plus Lidocaine (SPHAL) for Lip Augmentation assesses the safety and effectiveness associated with the use of a blunt-tipped microcannula for lip augmentation and correction of perioral rhytids using a small-particle, hyaluronic acid gel plus lidocaine   Educating men about available aes …
Holistic Dermatology: the Global Aspect (Part III in Series)
330133013301PARALLEL BETWEEN SKIN AND THE EARTH'S SKIN FINAL MODALICIAClick here for Part I or Part II - One of the key features of Holistic Dermatology as I see it, is correcting broader causes of skin disease as they affect our entire population. Many of the underlying aggravators of skin disease are very common to our culture and current state of affairs. These include excesses in the diet, as well as toxic substances in our food, topicals, and environment. Ma …