facial erythema

Oxymetazoline Therapeutic Cheat Sheet
213082130821308OxymetazolineOxymetazoline is an adrenoreceptor agonist which is FDA-approved for dermatologic conditions including persistent facial erythema in rosacea and blepharoptosis. Functioning primarily as a vasoconstrictor with additional anti-inflammatory properties, oxymetazoline targets the sustained vasodilated state of cutaneous blood vessels in rosacea by inducing vasoconstriction and reducing the persistent f …
Facial Erythema – Friday Pop Quiz – 7/28/2023
178421784217842 A 60-year-old man presents with a tendency to flush combined with a background of persistent facial erythema. On exam, you notice a background of telangiectasias. He has maximized treatment with topical and oral medications and is considering laser treatment for his prominent blood vessels. Which is the laser of choice for this patient’s condition? A. Pulsed dye laser B. KTP laser C …
August 2021 JDD Issue | Special Focus on Psoriasis
137721377213772PSORIASISWith a special focus on psoriasis, the August issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology features an outstanding editorial line-up with articles, features, and case reports on topics ranging from antihistamines in psoriasis, facial erythema in rosacea, management of AKs, to herpes zoster following COVID-19 vaccination, cutaneous angiosarcoma of the scalp, and everything in between! Straight fr …
Doxycycline-Modified Release
735873587358ORACEAIn this month’s installment of our Therapeutic Cheat Sheet Series, we turn our focus to rosacea.  Antibiotics have been a mainstay for rosacea treatment for decades, but their side effect profile and dosing schedules can complicate their use. Enter Doxycycline-Modified Release (Doxy-MR).  This specialized formulation of doxycycline allows for sustained activity and a minimized side effect prof …