Staying Ahead of the Game in Skin of Color Dermatologic Care
368236823682African American Woman Derm Procedure The optimal treatments for skin of color patients seeking dermatologic care are constantly changing. Keeping up to date with the latest advances in the field, both medical and aesthetic, can prove to be difficult and overwhelm even the most brilliant dermatologist. With a growing recognition that constant training and direct access to skin of color thought leaders is necessary to be at the …
African American Woman Derm Procedure
Treating Skin of Color Patients
315331533153SkinofColor Dear Derm Authority: What are the more common complaints or maladies that you see in skin of color patients and what resources do you recommend for new practitioners who want expand their understanding of them? The US population is growing and evolving and the clinical profile of the average patient presenting to the dermatologist is changing. One in three Americans self-identify as member of a …