The optimal treatments for skin of color patients seeking dermatologic care are constantly changing. Keeping up to date with the latest advances in the field, both medical and aesthetic, can prove to be difficult and overwhelm even the most brilliant dermatologist. With a growing recognition that constant training and direct access to skin of color thought leaders is necessary to be at the forefront of trending evidence-based research, leading experts in the field are joining forces to ensure skin of color patients receive the care they need. Among these experts are Dr. Andrew Alexis and Dr. Eliot Battle, co-chairs of the Skin of Color Seminar Series, the largest CE event dedicated to patients with skin types III – VI. With an unparalleled agenda and an esteemed faculty of KOL’s, this is probably THE event all dermatologists wanting to stay up to date on all skin of color medical and aesthetic advances must attend.
Always a highlight of the Skin of Color Seminar Series, attendees have the rare opportunity to ask their most pressing questions to the world’s top skin of color dermatology experts. We took a sneak peek at the agenda, which is overflowing with groundbreaking, informative talks, and gathered the top 10 must-attend sessions:
Understanding Hair Loss in Skin of Color Patients
Presented by: Valerie Callender, MD
Alopecia can be seen in woman and men, and in all nationalities. However, certain beauty habits such as hair styles, frequent chemical processing and innate genetic factors cause those with skin of color to be particularly susceptible to more forms of hair loss. Hair Loss Expert, Dr. Valerie Callender will review the most common types of hair loss in skin of color patients and share her concise and accurate assessment approach for alopecia. Enhance your existing treatment strategies with personal practical pearls from Dr. Callender’s practice and increase your clinician confidence with medical management of hair loss in skin of color patients.
Panel Discussion on Cosmeceuticals: Effective Ingredient Choices for Skin of Color Patients
Presented by Maritza Perez, MD & Wendy Roberts, MD
With the thousands of skincare products on the market it can be difficult to know what’s the best for your patient. Dr. Maritza Perez & Dr. Wendy Roberts discuss their favorite products for pigmented skin, which ingredients to avoid, and which ingredients everyone should be using. Participants get the opportunity to touch, feel and experience the latest cosmeceuticals on the market.
Minimizing Laser Complications in Skin of Color Patients
Presented by: SOCSS Co-Chairman Eliot Battle, MD
Lasers have advanced dramatically to the point where we now have numerous devices that are safe and effective for SOC…….in the right hands. Laser Pioneer, Dr. Eliot Battle reviews how to minimize complications by selecting the ideal laser, precautions, and protocol for patients with skin of color.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Skin of Color: Crisis State
Presented by Ted Rosen, MD
The CDC announced at the end of 2017 that Sexually Transmitted Diseases are at record highs and continue to increase in incidence. Individuals who fall in the Skin of Color category are at increased risk of acquiring an STD. Dr. Ted Rosen will review epidemiology and clinical manifestations of STDs in the current crisis situation. Attendees will learn to recognize clinical manifestations, manage common manifestations and identify long term risks of STDs.
The Skin Lightening Dilemma: A Candid Conversation with the Experts – Panel Discussion
Presented by: Eliot Battle, MD, Seemal Desai, MD, Valerie Callender, MD
The trend of darker skinned individuals seeking a lighter skin tone is a dangerous one that drives the demand for potentially harmful treatments such as high strength topical bleaching agents and intravenous Glutathione. This expert panel will discuss this sociological health trend, the dangers hiding in some OTC treatments, and the difference between healthy & safe skin lightening and unhealthy skin bleaching.
Disorders of Hyperpigmentation: Melasma & PIH
Presented by: Seemal Desai, MD
One of the most common dermatological complaints from patients with skin of color is dyspigmentation, particularly hyperpigmentation. The challenge for clinicians is to establish correct diagnoses along with consistently successful treatments to meet the needs of the increasingly diverse population served. Treatment modalities pose many limitations due to the number of treatments required, potential side effects, and overall efficacy. Fortunately, multiple therapies have been delineated that can be moderately to highly efficacious in treating hyperpigmentation in patients with skin of color. Review the newest research and literature surrounding these conditions with Dr. Seemal Desai as he shares his personal practical pearls regarding hyperpigmentation differential diagnosis, diagnostic techniques, and the latest in new and developing therapies.
Updates on the Prevention and Management of Keloids
Presented by: Hilary Baldwin, MD
Keloids are a common skin disorder in patients of color, and despite their benign nature, they may create severe aesthetic as well as functional problems that can negatively impact patients’ quality of life. While they are easy to treat, Keloids are characterized by a high rate of recurrence, and surgical intervention can possibly result in even larger lesions. Dr. Baldwin will
explore how the patient expectation for surgical removal may not always be reasonable/possible/appropriate, and the new evidence-basis alternate treatments available. You’re guaranteed to discover a new practical pearl to put into use in your practice!
Challenging Medical Dermatology Cases (Fungal Infections, CTCL, Sarcoidosis, AKN, PFB) – Case-Based Panel Discussion
Presented by Andrew Alexis, MD and Ted Rosen, MD
Dermatological diseases may assume an unusual clinical morphology in skin of color, leading to diagnostic confusion, which in turn, leads to ineffective and untimely therapy. Dr. Alexis and Dr. Rosen will discuss unusual and atypical appearing cases and the proper diagnostic techniques to establish correct diagnosis’ and institute proper therapy.
Live Laser, Device and PRP Demonstrations
Enhance your consultation skills, improve your techniques, expand your anatomy knowledge and increase your understanding of complication management with guidance and live demonstrations from leading experts in aesthetic dermatology.
The Skin of Color Seminar Series will be held on May 5-6, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Times Square in New York City. To register, click here.
About Dr. Andrew Alexis, MD, MPH
Co-Chair -Skin of Color Seminar Series

Dr. Alexis is the Chair of the Department of Dermatology at Mount Sinai St. Luke’s and Mount Sinai Roosevelt. He is also Associate Professor of Dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. As Director of the Skin of Color Center, he is actively involved in advancing patient care, research, and education pertaining to dermatologic disorders that are prevalent in ethnic skin.
Dr. Alexis received his medical degree from Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons and his Master of Public Health at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. He completed his dermatology residency at Weill Cornell Medical Center, followed by a fellowship in dermatopharmacology at New York University School of Medicine.
Dr. Alexis has published more than 40 articles in peer-reviewed journals, co-edited two text books on dermatology for skin of color – Skin of Color A Practical Guide to Dermatologic Diagnosis and Treatment (Springer Publishing 2013) and Ethnic Dermatology: Principles and Practice (Wiley-Blackwell 2013).
Dr. Alexis has held numerous leadership positions in professional organizations including Past President of the New York Academy of Medicine Dermatology Section, Secretary/Treasurer of the Skin of Color Society and Chair of the Diversity Task Force Committee for the American Academy of Dermatology. He currently serves as Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Skin of Color Society and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation.
About Eliot Battle, MD
Co-Chair, Skin of Color Seminar Series

Dr. Battle is CEO and founder of Washington, DC’s renowned Cultura Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Center, a ground-breaking medical practice merging dermatology, laser surgery, plastic surgery, and spa therapy. His office is always filled with physicians seeking advance training and patients from all over the world who seek out his expertise.
Dr. Battle is the recipient of many national academic honors and awards including; induction into Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society; recognized as a National Institute of Health research scholar; awarded the Emerging Business of the Year Award by the Washington Chamber of Commerce; awarded the 2008 Minority Business Leader Award by the Washington Business Journal and selected as the one of the 2008 Top Dermatologist and Top Doctors by Black Enterprise Magazine. His 3-year pioneering research at Harvard helped to invent the new generation of non-invasive “color blind” cosmetic lasers opening up the field to patients of all cultures, regardless of skin of color or ethnicity.
Dr. Battle is one of the most sought out teachers and lecturers in the field of cosmetic laser therapy. He is consistently in the press as a world expert in the field of cosmetic therapy. He is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, American Society of Laser Medicine & Surgery, numerous International Societies, past Chairman of the Dermatology Section of the National Medical Association and past President of the Howard University Medical Alumni Association. He is on staff at Howard University Hospital, Department of Dermatology.